Health & Safety Policy
Document Reference Number | PT/HSP/V2 |
Implementation Date | January 2025 |
Next Review Date | January 2026 |
1. General Statement of Policy
The policy of Primed Talent Ltd is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment, and systems of work for all its staff, learners, and visitors. To this end, appropriate information, training, and supervision will be provided.
Responsibility is also accepted for the health and safety of other people who may be affected by the Company’s activities.
The allocation of safety-related duties, arrangements for implementing the policy, and methods of monitoring its effectiveness are detailed in this document.
Fire safety notices and instructions are clearly displayed in all premises occupied by Primed Talent Ltd. This policy will be reviewed annually to account for changes in company activities, regulations, or operational practices. Following each review, an updated copy will be made available at Primed Talent Ltd offices and electronically on the intranet.
Navin Kumar (Managing Director)
Date: January 2025
2. Organisation for Carrying Out the Policy
Ultimate Responsibility: Directors
Line of Responsibility:
Supervisory Staff
Other Staff
All members of staff and students are responsible for cooperating to achieve a healthy and safe workplace and for taking reasonable care of themselves and others. Any health or safety issues should be promptly reported to the immediate manager or the Director.
Delegated Duties:
Duty | Person Responsible |
Health and safety training | Directors |
Department-specific training | Directors |
Accident reporting/investigation | Senior staff/Directors |
Risk assessment | Directors |
Organizing inspections | Directors |
Fire drills | Directors |
First aid administration | Designated First Aiders |
Electrical safety testing | Facilities Manager |
Mental health first aid | Certified Staff Members |
3. Arrangements for Health and Safety
3.1 Fire Safety and Emergency Procedures
Action in the Event of Fire:
On hearing the fire alarm, evacuate the building immediately and assemble at the designated fire assembly point.
A nominated employee will check all floors and washrooms to ensure they are clear.
The Responsible Person will conduct a roll call and report to the Fire Officer upon their arrival.
Firefighting equipment should only be used by trained personnel in minor fires, without personal risk.
Fire Precautions:
Escape routes, corridors, and staircases must remain clear and unobstructed.
Fire doors must not be wedged open.
3.2 Accidents and First Aid Procedures
First aid kits are located in accessible areas. The names of qualified first aiders are displayed on notices throughout the premises.
All accidents and near misses must be reported using the approved accident report form. These reports will be reviewed to identify necessary corrective actions.
Serious accidents will be promptly reported to the Directors.
3.3 Risk Assessments
Risk assessments are conducted for all departmental activities and updated annually or whenever significant changes occur.
Identified risks and mitigation measures are documented and communicated to relevant staff.
3.4 Electrical Safety
Only certified electrical equipment should be used.
Equipment is subject to regular Portable Appliance Testing (PAT).
Faulty items should be reported and removed from use until repaired or replaced.
3.5 Health and Safety Training
All new staff members receive health and safety induction on their first day.
Training needs are periodically reviewed and provided as necessary.
3.6 Remote Work and Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
Remote workers must ensure their home workstations comply with ergonomic standards.
Staff should take regular breaks from screen work to prevent fatigue or strain.
3.7 Smoking Policy
Smoking, including vaping, is prohibited within all Primed Talent Ltd premises.
3.8 Mental Health and Well-being
Certified mental health first aiders are available for staff and learners.
Support resources and training on mental health awareness are provided periodically.
3.9 Visitors and Unauthorised Persons
Visitors must report to reception or the Admin Office upon arrival.
Unauthorised individuals are not permitted in restricted areas without prior approval.
3.10 Monitoring and Inspections
Inspections are conducted every six months by an appointed team including Directors and senior staff.
Formal reports identify remedial actions with assigned responsibilities and deadlines.
3.11 Purchasing Policy
All materials and equipment must meet safety standards and be approved by the Director before acquisition.
4. Monitoring and Reviewing the Policy
The effectiveness of the policy will be monitored through incident reports, regular inspections, and staff feedback.
Results of inspections and investigations will be shared with all staff and actions taken to address identified issues.
This policy will be reviewed annually or when significant changes occur in operations or regulations.
For further details or to report any concerns, contact the Health and Safety Officer at