Health & Safety Policy

1. General Statement of Policy

The policy of Primed Talent Ltd is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all its staff and students. To this end, information, training and supervision are provided as necessary.

Responsibility is also accepted for the health and safety of other people who may be affected by the Company’s activities.

The allocation of safety related duties, the particular arrangements made to implement the policy and the way in which the policy is to be monitored are set out below.

Notices are placed on the door giving instructions in the event of fire for the information of all using PRIMED TALENT LTD premises. The policy will be kept up to date to take account of changes in company activities. To ensure this, the policy and the way in which it has operated will be reviewed every year by the Directors. Following review, a copy of the policy will be updated at Primed Talent Ltd Offices.

Signature Date: Feb 2022

Navin Kumar (Managing Director)

2. The organisation for carrying out the policy

Ultimate responsibility for health and safety in the Company lies with the Directors.

Routine health and safety matters, the line of responsibility follows the normal managerial lines in the Company, as indicated below:


Staff in supervisory positions

Other staff


All members of Staff and Students at Primed Talent Ltd have a responsibility to co-operate with their colleagues to achieve a healthy and safe workplace, and to take reasonable care of themselves and others. They are required to work in accordance with this policy and in accordance with the assessments made of activities.

Whenever a member of the Company notices a health or safety problem that he or she is not able to put right, it must immediately be reported to their immediate manager or the Director.

To assist the Directors in discharging their responsibility for Health and Safety, the following duties have been delegated:

Duty Person Responsible

Health and safety training – Directors

Dept related training – Directors

General training Accident reporting and investigation at source – senior member of staff on duty

Further investigation – Directors

Risk assessment – Directors

Organizing planned inspections – Directors

Organizing fire drills – Directors

First aid administration – Directors

Nominated first-aiders: Directors

Electrical inspecting & Testing – Directors

Mental Health First Aid trained – Directors

3. The arrangements for health and safety

The PRIMED TALENT LTD Safety Officers is the Director; their duties are as follows:

  • Coordination of risk assessment activities.
  • Coordination of regular departmental inspections.
  • Overseeing health and safety training.
  • Reviewing Health and Safety Policy annually.


Action in the event of fire

If you notice a fire OR in the event of the fire alarm actuating, the following procedures will be implemented to ensure the safety of all employees and clients.

  • All persons in the building on hearing the fire alarm should leave the premises immediately and meet at the fire assembly point as stated above.
  • A nominated employee should quickly check both the male and female toilets on each floor to ensure they are empty.
  • The Responsible Person from the individual businesses will carry out a role call of employees and pass this information on to the Responsible Person employed
  • The Responsible Person will make themselves known to the Fire Service on their arrival and communicate the role call information to the appropriate Fire Officer. This person should continue to make themselves available to the Fire Service who may require their assistance.
  • Fire fighting equipment should only be used by appropriately trained employees and only in small situations and never taking any personal risks.

Fire Precautions

The corridors and staircases in the building from the escape routes must be kept clear of obstructions. They should not contain anything that could itself be the source of fire, or which is flammable. This is especially important in the case of staircases. Doors fitted at staircase landings and across corridors are fitted with self-closing devices so that they can restrict the spread of smoke and fire. It is therefore important that they are not wedged open.

3.2 Action in the event of an accident – first aid procedures

In the event of an accident-causing injury, the nearest qualified first aider (see Section 2) should be contacted. The first aider will decide on appropriate treatment and further action, if necessary.

Following treatment, the accident should be reported to the appropriate manager, who will inform Primed Talent Ltd Directors.

The names of first aiders are displayed on notices throughout the Company, and a full list is published in the First Aid section notice areas. First aid kits are in the office please ask any member of staff.

Less serious accidents, and any other incident that might in slightly different circumstances have caused an injury, should also be reported to the Directors. Such minor accidents and “near miss” incidents often highlight items that require remedial action. The purpose of reporting accidents and incidents is NOT to apportion blame, but to discover and correct health and safety problems.

All accidents and near misses will be investigated by the appropriate supervisor or head of department and Supervisors. The results of the investigation will be reported to the Directors. All serious notifiable accidents must be reported promptly to the appointed First aider who will notify Primed Talent Ltd Director, using the approved accident report form.

3.3 Risk Assessment

All departmental activities must be assessed for hazard and evaluated for risk. An assessment that identifies a significant hazard should be recorded in writing and the measures needed to control the risk to health and safety should be listed. Responsibility for undertaking the assessment devolves upon the Director

3.4 Electrical safety

The following arrangements for electrical safety apply to all electrical equipment in use in the Company, including personal items. Only electrical equipment that is properly installed and maintained should be used in the Company.

The indication that equipment has been properly maintained is a label attached to each item bearing a date after which it should no longer be used. Items not bearing such a label, or where the date on the label has been passed, should be withdrawn from use and given to Kelly, who will inform the Directors.

If a member of the Staff purchases a piece of electrical equipment the Directors should be informed so the item can be tested before use.

All portable appliances will be regularly inspected and, where necessary, subject to electrical test. All members of the Company should routinely check that their electrical appliances are not damaged and that there are no obvious signs of misuse such as damaged or discoloured plug tops and worn cables.

Any item that becomes faulty should be taken out of service and the Directors should be informed; the item will then be either discarded or repaired. Only those members of the Company who are competent in repairing electrical equipment should attempt to do so. The Director will determine the competence of staff to perform such tasks.

Equipment and furniture should be sited so as to avoid the need for leads to trail across floors. Where these cannot be avoided, proprietary rubber strips should be used to reduce the risk of tripping. These can be ordered from the Primed Talent Ltd Office Administrator

The use of socket adaptors should be avoided wherever possible. Only those with their own fused plug and cable (e.g. 4-way trailing sockets) are permitted. It is Staff policy to increase the number of socket outlets provided in each room to remove the need for extension leads to be used. As such, extension leads are seen as temporary measures to be used only until additional socket outlets have been provided.

3.5 Purchasing policy

All materials and equipment acquired by Primed Talent Ltd, or by individuals for use at work, must comply with the standards, codes and regulations prescribed by law and Company requirements. Only those that can be safely accommodated and used within the department may be obtained. The individual wishing to acquire the material or equipment should obtain all necessary information to enable the risk assessment to be undertaken in order to demonstrate compliance with the foregoing.

To monitor that the requirements of the purchasing policy are being followed, all acquisitions must be approved by the Director

3.6 Health and safety training

Training and instruction in routine matters will be given, as required, by the Director. On induction, the Director will inform new members of staff on their first day of joining about:

  1. Action in the event of fire
  2. Action in the event of an accident
  3. Their responsibility for following departmental procedures, including the responsibility for reporting health and safety problems and how this should be done, and for cooperating with colleagues
  4. Any specific responsibilities they have in relation to health and safety

A copy of the Health and Safety policy will be contained in the induction package sent to each established member of staff. The Director will also make each temporary member of staff aware of the Health and Safety policy and ensure copies are available and displayed on department notice boards.

Staff heading departments will be informed about the same points, by the Directors, as part of their introduction to the Company. These head of departments will then disseminate the information to students working with them.

The need for specialist training for staff officers should be identified by supervisors and heads of department and all requests for such training should be directed to the Directors.

Members of the Company will not be expected to undertake any procedure for which they have not been adequately trained.

3.7 Reporting Health or Safety problems

A member of the Company noticing a health or safety problem that they are not able to put right themselves should immediately tell their Director, who if deems will put it right.

3.8 Children and unauthorised persons

An unauthorised person is someone who does not have authority, expressed or implied by appointment or position, to be in the area in question. Unauthorised persons are not allowed access to any part of Primed Talent Ltd nor to use any tools, office or other equipment wherever situated in the Company. A member of the Company, like any other visitor or person legitimately on Staff premises, may be an unauthorised person if in a part of the premises where he or she has no legitimate reason to be.

Children visiting the department must always be under the immediate and close supervision of a responsible adult. They are not permitted in any restricted area unless the specific permission of the head of department has been given.

Visitors to the Company should be instructed to report to the Company Admin office unless attending with a prior appointment.

3.9 Work undertaken by estates and buildings staff and contractors in the department

The planning and undertaking of building, alteration and repair work, and the installation and maintenance of plant and equipment, by persons from outside the Company needs to be adequately controlled to ensure the health and safety of members of the Company. To coordinate this type of work and to ensure that appropriate measures to control risks are in place in each case, the Director has been appointed as co-ordinator. Detailed arrangements necessary in each case will be decided by the Directors.

3.10 Office safety

For routine office activities, provided that the arrangements in the next paragraph are followed, there will be no significant health or safety risk, and no further assessment of the work is necessary. Non-routine office activities should be assessed, and where any significant hazards are identified, the results of the assessment should be recorded.

Falls are the most prolific cause of injury in offices, accounting for almost half of all office accidents. Next comes the handling and lifting of goods, materials and equipment, followed by stepping on, or striking against things; falling objects; machinery; transport; the use of hand tools.

The maintenance of high standards of general housekeeping in offices goes a long way to preventing accidents. Care should be given to the general layout and storage of items to minimize the possible hazards. Particular attention should be given to: the condition of floors and floor coverings; trailing leads; storage of items, particularly heavy ones, on shelves above shoulder height; safe methods of reaching up. A copy of the checklist is attached to this policy (Appendix 1), and individuals should use this to check the safety of their own office accommodation. Problems identified should be reported in the normal way (Section 3.7).

3.11 Safety in the use of display screen equipment (visual display units)

The correct procedures for installing and using Display Screen Equipment (DSE) will be followed within the Company. A properly designed workstation, coupled with regular breaks from keyboard work, should prevent any ill health. Appendix 2 of this policy contains a diagram showing some of the points associated with good workstation design, and also a checklist, which can serve as a guide for individual workstations. Individuals should assess their own workstations using this checklist and report any defects in the normal way (Section 3.7).

3.12 Smoking policy

Smoking is not permitted within the Company buildings.

Smoking is not permissible during any Staff Committee Meeting.

3.13 Other arragements

  • Work with chemicals, lasers or substances hazardous to health (COSHH Regulations).
  • Manual handling operations (Manual Handling Operations Regulations).
  • The issue and use of personal protective equipment.
  • Where there is excessive noise, including Staff events.
  • Where a risk of potential violence to staff or students has been identified.

3.14 Consultation for health and safety

Terms of Reference.

The primary role in Health & Safety of Primed Talent Ltd is for the Directors to advise and implement on matters relating to Health and Safety. This will be achieved by:

  1. Consideration of reports on such matters as accidents and other incidents, safety inspections, and reports from those with delegated safety duties.
  2. Assisting in the development of safety rules and safe systems of work.
  3. Advising on the safety content of information and training for staff and students.

The committee will include representatives from Primed Talent Ltd.

4. Monitoring the policy

Day to day monitoring of the policy is the responsibility of the Director and head of admin. The Director should also use reports of accidents, near misses and sickness, linked to work, to determine whether existing departmental arrangements require modification in order to prevent a recurrence. Reports of accidents and near misses made by any members of staff or students should be sent to the Directors.

Monitoring the effectiveness of the policy will also be carried out by way of planned inspections. These will be undertaken every 6 months. The inspection team will receive training in appropriate techniques and will consist of the head of department and/or delegated senior staff members and the Directors. The Directors will attend every other inspection as a member of the team. The person responsible for arranging each inspection is the Director.

A formal report of each inspection will be made by the inspection team and will be written in a way that identifies remedial actions to be taken by named individuals. The report will be sent to the Directors and all members of Staff. The Director will carry out any remedial action and update members of staff of the same.

A formal follow-up of each inspection will be undertaken by one member of the inspection team one month after the inspection to identify progress in relation to remedial actions. The member of the team delegated this duty will be named in the original inspection report. A follow-up report of progress will be sent to the Director.